Saturday, June 13, 2009

“The Secret”

watch the movie at mysoju

I watched a Taiwanese Movie entitled “The Secret” with my sister. It’s the first Taiwanese movie I’ve ever seen. I thought it was boring at first because it keep shifting scenes which I thought doesn’t make sense but then suddenly there was a twist and I was like, “Oh my God”. It’s not just like any other love story. It was fairy-tale like. The girl from the past found a music sheet under an old piano and every time she plays that piece she was transported to 20 years in the future where she met her destiny. She came to love the guy and the guy loved her too but when she saw him kissing some other girl (it was not intentional but the girl doesn’t know it), she was heartbroken and she left. The guy went to her house where he found the girl’s mother. That’s when he found out that the girl was a student in their school many years ago. His father who is also a teacher in their school told her the story about the girl and the music sheet and how everyone thinks she’s crazy because of her fantasies that seem so impossible. The guy went to the school in the middle of the night and played the song in the old piano while the whole building is being demolished. It was a special place for him because he and the girl spent a lot of time there. I was so bothered by the ending because I couldn’t figure out if it was a happy ending or not. I can’t tell if the guy died during the demolition or if he was actually able to go to the past. In the last part, the girl was in a classroom and the guy was looking at her from the door. The girl turned and when she saw him she smiled. I actually thought she died of asthma and that she wasn’t able to graduate… Maybe the writer doesn’t know how to end the movie and so he wanted the viewers to assume what the ending should be. Oh well, it doesn’t matter as long as it was a nice movie.
And it was.

I thought it's really impossible to find a good looking actor who is at the same time an amazing pianist... But I just did!

I thought it was just camera tricks but I think it will be hard since both the pianist's face and his hands are being shown at the same time.

This video is part of the Taiwanese movie "The Secret" and I just found out that the main character can actually play the piano. Jay Chou (his character's name in the movie is also Jay) is a Taiwanese musician, singer, producer, actor and also a director... plus, he's also a composer...

here is the LIVE version of the piano battle

awesome, isn't it?

"The Secret" movie
Jay Chou

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