The first time they caught my attention they were actors in some Korean drama called Banjun Theater.
They were amazingly entertaining and I instantly liked them...
During that time there are other things that occupied my mind so I eventually lost interest in them
Months passed and fate made its move.
A friend of mine that I haven't seen for a long time mistakenly sent me a message that mentioned something about a group called DBSK.
The message wasn't intended for me but for some other person who has the same name as mine.
The name DBSK was so familiar that I tried to recall where I've heard or seen that name.
That same friend introduced to me a song called "Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarou", the longest song title I've ever heard.
In English it means "Why did I end up falling for you."
I saw the music video of that song and seeing their faces made me recall everything.
Being a music lover I fell in love with that song instantly.
What made them more amazing to me is that they could speak Japanese so fluently.
And that's when I started to become a fan.
I saw different images of TVXQ
With "Balloons" I saw a cute TVXQ

With "Mirotic" I saw a sexy TVXQ

With "Love in the Ice" I saw a loving and caring TVXQ

With "Summer Dream" I saw a happy TVXQ

I want to see more of TVXQ in the future that I haven't seen in the past
I love it when they joke and mess around like little kids

I love it every time they sing and face each other as they do
I love how their voices can sound so good together that even if only one voice is missing it won't sound as good

I love it when they dance together

I love their live performances and the fact that around 90% of the time they perform they do it live

I love to see them receive awards because they always go on the stage together

November 21, 2009
Mnet Asian Music Awards 2009
TVXQ won the Best Asia Star Award
They won so I should be happy but no...
I feel like crying because right there on the stage stood three of the members...
just the three of them...

Then Jaejoong said, "I don't know if they are watching this or not... But just in case they are... I would like to tell those two friends that I love them"
It was new year's eve. I was watching television while waiting for the year 2010 to come.
I switched the channel to NHK and saw a jpop group that I'm familiar with.
Later I realized that the show was called Kouhaku, an event that happens every new year's eve where all the big artists in Japan performs.
I waited a little more hoping to see the five guys that I adore. And I did...
I saw them sing "Stand by U" that night.
It was so unexpected that I was so happy to see them and that I didn't realize the pain they were feeling at that time. I didn't notice the unhappiness emanating from Tohoshinki in that performance. And I had no idea that that live performance will probably be their last.
At that time I already know about the law suit but I didn't realize the seriousness of it.
I searched the net and I was able to watch that performance again.
And then I finally noticed.
In the Secret Code Concert before the law suit I saw a radiant TVXQ.
In Kouhaku after the law suit I saw a mournful TVXQ.
"Stand by U" is a sad ballad but their performance in Kouhaku made it even more mournful than it was supposed to be.
I can see how these five guys matured during the past year...
Xiah Junsu
He's so funny and he always wear a bright smile that even though he's not doing anything... by just looking at him I find myself laughing for no reason

Lately, he released a single entitled Intoxication and after that...
Gone all his cute image that he's been trying to put up for so long...
Micky Yoochun
He cries easily...

laughs easily..

That's the Micky Yoochun I know before...
During the Thanksgiving live in Tokyo Dome
He did not shed a tear
That's the Micky Yoochun now...
Yeongwoong Jaejoong
He has such a pretty face that I always want to stare at him and such a beautiful voice that makes me always want to listen to his songs

Before he said, "Our friendship is stronger than most people because we talk and breathe in the same room and we eat and sleep in the same place..."
But now he said, "The relationship between the members is good but if TVXQ is what destroys it then TVXQ is not needed."
Choikang Changmin
He always hide his feelings inside of him. While the others cry he will put up a smile on his face and say thanks to the fans.

He's maybe the youngest but he's the most matured.
November 15, 2008. During the 2008 MKMF when MIROTIC won the Album of the Year Award... Changmin, who never cries in front of the fans, cried for the first time.

U-know Yunho
A good hardworking leader. I've always believed TVXQ doesn't need a leader. Every member knows their roles and are amazing on their own.
But right now... Right now Leader-sshi is most needed...

It was definitely fate that made me able to meet them.
It was music that made me fall in love with them.
By singing their songs I also learned how to sing from the heart...
By being so dorky they made me laugh so many times...
Through their heartbreaking songs they made me cry so many times...
Crying while listening to their songs is ok
But crying because I miss them so much is not.
It's alright to cry if these tears are because of "Love in the Ice", "Saranga Uljima", "Jigeum Cheoreom", "White lie", "Afterglow", "Wasurenaide" or "Proud"
It's alright to cry if it means their feelings reach my heart as I listen to them singing those songs
But this tears from my eyes are not because of that...
This tears are because I miss them so much...
This tears are because even though I say I'LL ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH the truth is I'm so tired of waiting
And as time passes by it feels like that FAITH fades little by little...
And I'm scared that instead of hearing news like "TVXQ are going to release their next album..." I will hear something like "TVXQ announced their official disbandment"
I'm scared that their "Stand by U" Kouhako performance will be their last live performance as TVXQ
I'm scared that I wouldn't be able to see them in a live stage again
Cassiopeia fights for TVXQ
December, 2009 - Flash mob where Cassies danced Mirotic and Balloons in front of SM Entertainment building in Seoul
2009 up to present - boycott. Cassies stopped buying Dong Bang Shin Ki's album to prevent SME from earning more than they deserve.
July 4, 2010 - Worldwide flash mob. Cassies around the world danced to TVXQ's songs in different countries at the same time.
Big East made Tohoshinki number 1 in japan charts by buying Best Selection 2010, Break Out, Toki wo Tomete and A-side and B-side Collection album.
Cassiopeia is staying strong but we do get tired too...
All we have right now is TVXQ's promise
Shanghai Concert October 2, 2009
"The 5 of us will never part."
All we can do right now is believe in that promise... wait...
And continue to love them even more than what we do now.

FATE is what introduced me to TVXQ
And FAITH is something that I'm going to keep for the sake of those five people that I adore and I love.
No matter how tired I am...
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