Kamen Rider Den-O

After I finished watching Kamen Rider Den-O there are a lot of things that bothered me.
• How Sakurai Yuuto (Yuichi Nakamura) managed to transform with red cards. Where did he get those cards?
• What’s really the goal of Kai and why did he disappeared when his strongest imajin died?
• How come the bad imajins disappeared and yet the good one’s ( i.e. Den-O, Deneb and Seig) remained.
• Why did oneechan said “I knew it” just before Sakurai-san disappeared entirely? Since when did she remember? Or did she?
• When Kai destroyed their era, how come Ryoutaro, Momotarosu-tachi, Hana-san, Yuuto, Deneb, Oneechan, Kai and the other bad imajins remained?
• If Ryoutaro, Airi-san, and Sakurai-san forgot about the baby (Hana-chan) then how come she’s still existing?
• You can’t forget someone entirely even though you really wanted to, right? Then how did Ryoutaro, Airi-san and Sakurai-san managed to forget about the baby when all they did is to “want to forget”.
• Why is it that Sakurai-san disappeared and yet Yuuto did not? They’re both the same people right? The only difference is that they came from different points in time.
The only conclusion I can give is that watching a show that involves traveling through time is really confusing. I was hoping that Yuuto and Airi-san will be together in the end. I don’t care whether Airi-san is too old for the younger Yuuto. I just want them to have a happy ending somehow.
Kamen Rider Kiva

By the way, Seto Koji plays the role of Kiva
info here
watch it on YouTube
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