Tohoshinki in Japan
Tong Vfang Xien Qi in China
TVXQ for the rest of the world...
I think it's so amazing how these four characters could be read in many different ways and yet still means one thing...
"Gods Rising from the East"

A constellation in the northern sky with the "W" formation made by five bright stars. In the Greek mythology it is considered to represent the vain queen Cassiopeia who boasted about her unrivaled beauty. She is also the wife of King Cepheus of Ethiopia. The ethymological origin of the name “Ethiopia” is also Love.

It is also the name that befits the people who loves 東方神起 wholeheartedly.
I want to call myself this name because although unofficial I know I share the same feelings as those official cassies from Korea and Big East from Japan.

& Yunho
& Yunho
They're called 東方神起/Dong Bang Shin Ki/Tohoshinki which means "Gods Rising From the East". International fans call them simply as TVXQ. They hold the record for having the biggest number of fans and for being the most photographed celebrity in the Guinness Book of World Records.
They received lots of awards in Asia and became record breakers in Japan.
They're fluent in both Japanese and Korean.
It's just a year ago when I met these five amazing guys. A little late I guess because a few months later I heard the news about their possible disbandment.
Other Cassies had been with them since the very beginning while I on the other hand supported them right before the stop of their group activities.
I wish I met them before that...
I wish I knew about them way before they went to the Philippines...
I wish I was in Mall of Asia the day they filmed their commercial...
I wish...
No, I hope there's still a chance for me to see them in a live concert together as 東方神起
I hope... this isn't the end.
I can't do anything for the past... for all those years that I missed.
But at least I could still hope for a future with 東方神起 as a group.
Someone asked me why I like 東方神起 so much.
Why indeed?
I told him its because they're talented, they have amazing voices, they can dance really well and they're all good-looking.
A typical answer, I know...
But I also know that deep inside me there is more than that.
I wish I could tell him all the things that makes me love 東方神起 so much but words aren't enough.
They're like a family.
They cry together, laugh together, always having fun together.
Laughter never stops when they're around.
Even the most boring show could be really interesting with them as guests.
I've never met them in person but I feel like I've known them for so long.
The funny mood-maker, Junsu... He always claims he's charismatic but he will always be the cute Jun-chan for me. I like his Konglish, his oyaji gags and his high notes.
Micky... I like his deep voice when he tries to sound sexy. I like his American accent when he speaks English. I like his English lyrics that doesn't make any sense at all. I like how easily he cries and how easily he laughs as well. I like the way he acts like a dork.
Jaejoong... I like his voice and everything about him. I like it when he acts like the mother of the group. I like the fact that he can be so talkative and so funny once he started talking. I realized he's a very deep person and I like how amazing his songs can be.
Changmin... So silent but so smart. Its funny how the other members regards him as scary
Yunho... a good leader though honestly I think 東方神起 doesn't need a leader.
東方神起 is not like any other group.
They were not created to pose and look good on camera.
They don't sing and dance so they could look cool.
They ARE COOL because they sing and dance from the heart.
They share the same dream.
Music is their passion and that's what binds them together.
The first time they went to Japan they were already superstars in Korea. I can imagine how hard it was for them being in a foreign country speaking different language being out of place and most of all... no one knows them. They have to start from scratch.
I love music. In fact I love it so much that I could no longer live without it.
With 東方神起 I found all sorts of music that I could ever want.
Before I met 東方神起 I've already been trying to learn Japanese.
After I met them I desperately started to learn Korean.
I sing their songs and I do have a n idea what those Japanese and Korean lyrics means but the melody and the way they sing those songs made me understand the true meaning behind those lyrics.
It's not the lyrics that makes song music. Words with no melody can't be considered as music but melody without lyrics can be considered as one.
東方神起 is in the brink of disbandment.
Some cassies hates Junsu, Micky & Jaejoog for going against SM Entertainment and not thinking about its effect on the group. Other cassies hates Changmin and Yunho for not cooperating with the three. I hate those cassies...
Because first of all no one really understands everything besides those five and we, fans, are not in the position to judge. I think the only wrong thing that those guys did is to not act as one when they should have.
I know what they've been through under their Korean company whose only concern is making a profit without thinking about the welfare of their artists.
I know that they gave up so much to achieve their dream
They have to endure long hours of practice and training until they got sick due to exhaustion.
They even say, “Even if I have to spend the rest of my life lying in bed, that will be ok”.
Even if they fall and injured their back they have to clench their teeth and finish a performance.
And to top all that, they are UNDERPAID.
That's how cruel their company could be.
So I'm not surprised when Jaejoong, Micky and Junsu finally stood up and fight.
I wish Changmin and Yunho would do the same but I can't blame them either.
Because they also have lots to lose if they did.
Jaejoong, Micky and Junsu are just brave enough to risk them.

It's true that those five guys are amazing but Cassiopeia is also amazing.
There are instances when no matter how much they want to stay close to them, they still leave a space to give the boys a little privacy.
And no matter how hurt they all are they don't want to force the guys to stay together.
If they don't want to be back as a group then the fans will wholeheartedly accept it no matter how painful it is.
However I still hope they still wanted the same thing that we fans wanted.
Cassiopeia love Dong Bang Shin Ki so much that they are willing to let them go and wish that they would just be normal people and not the stars that they are now.
I may not be an official Cassie but I know I share the same feelings as them.
I might not be able to see them in a live stage again as 東方神起. I don't like it a bit and I'm sure Junsu, Micky, Jaejoong, Changmin, and Yunho doesn't like it either.
I know I'm being selfish for wanting them to stay together but that's because I do believe that the five of them still wants the same thing.
It's hard I know and they are going through a lot right now but as long as there is hope, I'll ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH.
I'm waiting and I'll continue to wait and hope for the best...
A true cassie at heart
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